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Cul­tu­ral walks along the Berg­strasse

  • Ceme­tery and city tours
  • Hes­sian moun­tain road
  • Vil­las, art & his­to­ri­cal per­so­na­li­ties
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Cul­tu­ral walks along the Berg­strasse

  • Ceme­tery and city tours
  • Hes­sian moun­tain road
  • Vil­las, art & his­to­ri­cal per­so­na­li­ties

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The moun­tain road!

There is a magic in the word

who cap­tures ever­yone to whom it sounds.

Cultural tours Bergstrasse

Expe­ri­ence the diver­sity of the natu­ral and cul­tu­ral land­scape bet­ween Hei­del­berg and Darm­stadt through the life sto­ries of his­to­ri­cal Berg­strasse per­so­na­li­ties, from art, lite­ra­ture, music etc. with the Berg­strasse Cul­tu­ral Walks. Walk in their foot­s­teps through ceme­ter­ies and pretty vil­la­ges. Immerse yours­elf in the world of life in times gone by.

With an eye for the extra­or­di­nary and a love of detail, sci­en­ti­fi­cally based, detached from the stan­dard pro­gramme, you will explore with me the sights along the Berg­strasse as well as the UNESCO wealth of this fasci­na­ting region.

I rese­arch for you in archi­ves, libra­ries, estates ... and am always on the loo­kout for the icing on the cake.

Dis­co­ver the Hes­sian Berg­strasse - Darm­stadt, Alsbach-​Hähnlein and Zwin­gen­berg - (new) with my gui­ded tours.
Eng­lish tours can only be boo­ked as indi­vi­dual tours. Public cul­tu­ral walks in Ger­man only. 

Nicole Rie­skamp

An over­view of my cul­tu­ral walks



From alche­mists to sum­mer retre­ats

Get to know the sights of See­heim from the Luft­hansa con­fe­rence hotel. See­heim is home to the most beau­tiful Renais­sance town hall in sou­thern Ger­many with an above-​average pre­ser­ved half-​timbered buil­ding. Find out who once lived in the villa dis­trict at the turn of the 19th/​20th cen­tury and crea­ted Eng­lish land­scape parks, e.g. Worms entre­pre­neur and lea­ther manu­fac­tu­rer Max von Heyl and the Gold­schmidt family from Essen. Take a walk where alche­mists once pro­mi­sed wealth and eter­nal health and where peo­ple liked to spend their sum­mer holi­days. It was not only the grand ducal family from Darm­stadt who spent their holi­days at the court camp, known as the castle. 

details ...

Jewish cemetery tour Alsbach-Haehnlein

Alsbach-​Hähnlein -
Jewish Ceme­tery: Sights at a glance

The lar­gest Jewish rural ceme­tery in Hesse is loca­ted in Als­bach. The cul­tu­ral walks see them­sel­ves as a bridge bet­ween Jewish and Chris­tian burial cul­ture in order to achieve a bet­ter under­stan­ding and co-​operation.

Expe­ri­ence the spe­cial atmo­sphere as you walk with me through the rows of 2124 gra­ves­to­nes. From 1616 to 1948, Jews from 32 sur­roun­ding vil­la­ges were buried here, which today are loca­ted in the dis­tricts of Darmstadt-​Dieburg, Groß Gerau, Kreis Berg­straße and in Darm­stadt. Get to know the burial ground with its spe­cial fea­tures and the gra­ves­to­nes with their dif­fe­rent designs. Inter­pret sym­bols and take part in life sto­ries of important per­so­na­li­ties from Berg­strasse.

Learn inte­res­t­ing facts about the Unesco intan­gi­ble cul­tu­ral heri­tage - the Ger­man ceme­tery cul­ture - and the con­nec­tion to the Unesco World Heri­tage Site of the SchUM cities.

details ...

Alsbacher Brunnen


On the trail of Benno Elkan

The Jewish sculp­tor, who crea­ted the Knes­set Meno­rah in Jeru­sa­lem, for exam­ple, lived with his family in Als­bach from 1911-​1919. He spent some rela­xing and crea­tive years here at the foot of Als­bach Castle. Find out how family life was orga­nised here at the time and how the Elkans inte­gra­ted them­sel­ves into the vil­lage com­mu­nity. You will also dis­co­ver which works of art were crea­ted here, such as medals, sculp­tures and docu­ments.

The tour takes place in Als­bach on foot and with an exten­sion at the Alsbach-​Hähnlein Museum in Hähn­lein by bus or pri­vate car.

Only boo­ka­ble as an exclu­sive indi­vi­dual tour for indi­vi­du­als or groups.

 details ...

Villa Alsbach


I would be happy to show you the sights of Darm­stadt:

- Unesco World Heri­tage Site Mat­hil­den­höhe with artists’ colony and inte­rior tour of an artists’ house.

- Darm­stadt at a glance. Sights of the city centre with castle, Lud­wigs­kir­che, Haus der Geschichte, ...

- Darm­stadt Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy - Cam­pus of short distances (city centre): History, buil­ding history, art on the buil­ding, ...


I am happy to be your tour guide for these tours. You are wel­come to dis­cuss your pre­fer­red dates with me before you book.

Howe­ver, boo­kings can only be made via Wis­sen­schafts Darm­stadt Mar­ke­ting GmbH and at their con­di­ti­ons etc:

Darm­stadt Ser­vices, Eli­sa­be­then­str. 20-​22, 64283 Darm­stadt Phone: +49 (0) 6151 - 1345-​11


Impres­si­ons of my gui­ded tours

Get in touch with me

Are you inte­res­ted in a tour or do you have any ques­ti­ons?

Then the easiest way is to send me a mes­sage using the cont­act form below or to give me a call: 0157-​3379 6863